Summer Series | Asking for a Friend: Faith and Real Life

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We all know that God's Word is relevant to all areas of our lives. But so often, there are issues we just don't talk about. Really practical things we as women face that can go overlooked or remain private. We as a Women’s Ministry want to offer a space for women to talk about these things and about how our faith directly impacts them. This summer, we are going to have a six week series on Wednesday nights focusing on real life topics.  Various women from within the Christian community will share their experiences with us during these casual gatherings. Some will be formatted as panel discussions, others as guest speakers. We will have the chance to listen to a 30 minute talk, have time for Q&A and discussion, and then close the night in small groups to pray over the topic and it's application to our lives and church body. Since each week will address a different topic, come when you can even if you cannot attend every week. Even if the night doesn't address your particular situation, come and hear how to love others within our church family who identify with the theme. 

Each week will be hosted in a different home. We will have drinks and light snacks available. We will talk about a broad spectrum of topics throughout the summer including Anxiety, Marriage, Singleness, Vocation, Race, and Comparison. We really hope to see you there, and please invite your friends. More details about location, topics, and speakers will be coming soon!