Q. Who are Core Classes for?
A. These classes function as introductory, discipleship-focused studies that orient participants around the formative fundamentals of the Christian life. Any adult is welcome to attend a Core Class, whether you are new to the faith or have been walking with the Lord your whole life.

Q. What’s the difference between Sunday Core Classes & Wednesday Core Classes?
A. There is no difference between the content on Sundays and Wednesdays. The only difference is the order you progress through the classes. And you are welcome to mix and match if you would like!

Q. Do I have to attend all three weeks of the class?
A. You will get the most out of the class by attending and participating each week. Since the classes are short and only run for three weeks at a time, we prefer that participants not miss if possible.

Q. Where do I go?
A. Wednesday Core Classes will meet in The Hearth Room.

Q.  What will my children be doing while I’m in a Core Class?
A. For ages, 4 yrs old - 5th grade, we have TrinKids PM. Nursery care is available for ages 3 and under for those attending the core class.

Q. Okay, I’m loving Core Classes… What’s next?
A. We have some exciting things in the works for adult discipleship. Stay-tuned for more information!